Supervisory Board
The profile for supervisory board members is included as annex 2 in the Supervisory Board Regulations below.
Audit committee
The audit committee oversees important financial matters. This committee, with as members Mr Eysink (chair), Mrs Krist and Mrs Bonhof, convenes every quarter to discuss these matters and meets at least twice a year to discuss matters with the external auditor. The financial statements are presented to the General Meeting of Shareholders by the Supervisory Board.
Remuneration Selection and Appointment Committee
The Remuneration, Selection and Appointment Committee consists of Mrs Buis (chair), Mr Vierstra and Mr Groothedde. The committee advises on the remuneration of the members of the Executive Board and arranges for the selection and appointment of members of the Executive Board.
D.G. (Doede) Vierstra RC
Doede Vierstra (1958) is currently active as a director on behalf of the Enterprise Chamber of the Court in Amsterdam. He gained extensive experience with public stakeholders, including public shareholders, during his time as CFO of Nuon. He was previously chairman of the WENB (the Employers' Association for Energy Activities and Utilities). As a result, he is familiar with the challenges that the energy transition entails for Stedin Group. He is also a member of the board of Stichting Nyenrode and a member of the Supervisory Board at PGGM and a member of the Supervisory Board at the Netherlands Bach Society.
A.J. (Annie) Krist M.A.
Annie Krist (1960) is CEO of GasTerra. She started her career at N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, where she held various management positions. In 2005, Annie joined the management team of Gasunie Transport Services (GTS). In 2011, she was appointed General Manager of GTS. Annie is a board member of the Vereniging Energie Nederland, the Stichting Fondsbeheer Culturele Relatie-Evenementen of the Groninger Museum and the Stichting ter Bevordering van de Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen. She is also an Associate Member of the International Gas Union, a member of the Advisory Board Clingendael International Energy Programme and a member of the Governing Board & Executive Committee of Eurogas. Finally, Annie is chair of the Supervisory Board of the Stichting Kinderopvang Stad Groningen.
T.W. (Theo) Eysink CA
Theo Eysink (1966) is CEO of Spuigroep B.V. since 1 December 2024. He started his career at Arthur Andersen and worked in financial positions at KLM Catering, Spuigroep and Electrabel between 1996 and 2006. From 2006 to 2010 he was VP Finance at Bombardier Transportation Holding. In 2010 he became CFO of Stork Technical Services, after which he worked for many years as CFO at the Business Market division of KPN. He has experience as a supervisor in the public and semi-public sector. Theo is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Vesteda Investment Management B.V.
H.L. (Hanne) Buis LLM, MSc
Hanne Buis (1976) was COO and member of the Executive Board of Schiphol Group and before that General Manager of Lelystad Airport. Before moving to Lelystad Airport, she held various positions at Schiphol. There, Hanne managed complex operational processes. She is a member of the board of the Erasmus University College Council. Until 1 July 2024, Hanne was chair of the Supervisory Board of the Netherlands Bach Society.
Ir. A.P.G. (Arco) Groothedde
Arco Groothedde (1964) is currently a director at housing corporation Eigen Haard and a member of the Supervisory Board at DSW. He was previously CEO at Translink Systems and worked at the Land Registry and RDW. At Translink, he worked on the introduction of the OV chip card, among other things. Arco's extensive experience as a director in digital transformation, among other things, will be very useful at Stedin Groep, as digitalisation is an important topic in the energy transition.
drs. A. (Marike) Bonhof
Marike Bonhof (1974) is a director at housing corporation Ymere and a member of the Supervisory Board at Nationale Hypotheek Garantie (NHG). She has extensive managerial and financial experience at the intersection of the public and private sectors. She was CFO of water company Vitens and before that she worked in several managerial and administrative positions for the municipalities of Amsterdam and Utrecht. She started her career at the Ministry of Finance.