Press release
Dick van Well says goodbye to Stedin Group
Rotterdam, 12 February 2021 – After more than nine years, Dick van Well stepped down as member of the Supervisory Board of Stedin Group at the General Meeting of Shareholders on 12 February 2021.
Dick van Well is a member of the supervisory boards of several companies, including Dura Vermeer; the construction company where he was CEO from 1998 to 2010. Van Well is also a member of the board of the Stichting Continuïteit Feyenoord foundation. For Stedin, Van Well contributed substantially in processes such as the unbundling of Stedin and Eneco and renewing the governance agreements with shareholders in 2018.
Chair of the supervisory board Doede Vierstra: “Dick van Well’s departure means that we are losing a highly valued fellow director. Like most people born and raised in Rotterdam, Dick has a no-nonsense attitude and is straightforward, businesslike and committed. Thanks to his many business contacts and directorships, he has an extensive network. I would like to thank him for all he has done for the development of Stedin as an independent company.”
The supervisory board now consists of five members: chair Doede Vierstra, Annie Krist, Theo Eysink, Hanne Buis and Arco Groothedde. At the General Meeting of Shareholders, Theo Eysink was reappointed as member of the supervisory board for a period of four years.
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