Trudy Onland named new CEO of Stedin Group from 1 May 2025
Rotterdam, 17 January 2025 - The Supervisory Board has appointed Trudy Onland (b. 1974) as the new CEO of Stedin Group. From 1 May 2025, she will succeed Koen Bogers, who will be leaving the company. Also from 1 May 2025, David Peters will move to Batenburg Techniek.
Doede Vierstra: ‘In recent years, Stedin’s Executive Board has set a clear strategic course and tackled the challenges of the energy transition. To that end, Stedin has almost doubled its level of investment, strengthened its financial position and developed innovations to make optimum use of grid capacity. With the achievement of these milestones, Stedin has entered a new phase, in which fulfilling our social mandate will remain key. This calls for new leadership. We are delighted that, in Trudy Onland, Stedin has found a CEO from within its own ranks to shape this new phase from May.’
Trudy has extensive administrative experience. Since 2021, she has been operationally responsible at Stedin as COO on the company’s Executive Board. She is also vice-chair of the Supervisory Board of Gelderse Vallei hospital. Previously, she held various technical management and executive positions at Dutch Railways (Nederlandse Spoorwegen, NS). Her career started in KPMG’s assurance practice. She has a background in electrical engineering, supplemented by management science.
Also from 1 May 2025, David Peters will move to Batenburg Techniek. Vierstra: ‘I wish to thank Koen Bogers and David Peters sincerely for the major contribution they have made to Stedin over the years.’
Trudy Onland: ‘I am delighted with my appointment as CEO. Over the past four years, we have taken great and important steps to keep the gas and electricity grids safe for our 2.4 million households and to expand these grids in preparation for a sustainable future. We are embarked on a strong course, we have a solid and highly motivated management team in place, and we have an organisation with more than 6,500 employees who are committed to ensuring the energy supply in our region every day. The task of making the Netherlands more sustainable is gaining momentum, and it is time to step up our efforts, together with our partners. We will seek innovative ways of working with industry, contractors, municipalities and other partners to develop the energy infrastructure further, so that our customers are able to live and work. I cannot wait to get started.’
David Peters: ‘I look back on the past 10 years with great pleasure – particularly on my cooperation with all Stedin colleagues, customers and stakeholders to shape the new energy system. Until 1 May, I will remain active in my role as CTO.’
The appointment of Trudy Onland and the departure of David Peters frees up the positions of Chief Operating Officer and Chief Transition Officer. The Supervisory Board has initiated the procedure to find their successors.